
The sequence command is developed to demonstrate the use of this package. You can find it in the sequence directory. The sequence command implements the sequential semantic log parser.

  sequence [command]

Available Commands:
  scan                      scan will tokenize a log file or message and output a list of tokens
  analyze                   analyze will analyze a log file and output a list of patterns that will match all the log messages
  parse                     parse will parse a log file and output a list of parsed tokens for each of the log messages
  bench                     benchmark scanning or parsing of a log file, no output is provided
  help [command]            Help about any command

 Available Flags:
  -c, --config="./sequence.toml": TOML-formatted configuration file
  -f, --fmt="general": format of the message to tokenize, can be 'json' or 'general'
  -h, --help=false: help for sequence
  -i, --infile="": input file, required
  -o, --outfile="": output file, if empty, to stdout
  -d, --patdir="": pattern directory,, all files in directory will be used
  -p, --patfile="": initial pattern file, optional

Use "sequence help [command]" for more information about that command.


  sequence scan [flags]

 Available Flags:
  -h, --help=false: help for scan
  -m, --msg="": message to tokenize


  $ ./sequence scan -m "jan 14 10:15:56 testserver sudo:    gonner : tty=pts/3 ; pwd=/home/gonner ; user=root ; command=/bin/su - ustream"
  #   0: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%ts%", Value="jan 14 10:15:56" }
  #   1: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="testserver" }
  #   2: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="sudo" }
  #   3: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=":" }
  #   4: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="gonner" }
  #   5: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=":" }
  #   6: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="tty" }
  #   7: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="=" }
  #   8: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="pts/3" }
  #   9: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=";" }
  #  10: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="pwd" }
  #  11: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="=" }
  #  12: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="/home/gonner" }
  #  13: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=";" }
  #  14: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="user" }
  #  15: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="=" }
  #  16: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="root" }
  #  17: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=";" }
  #  18: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="command" }
  #  19: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="=" }
  #  20: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="/bin/su" }
  #  21: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="-" }
  #  22: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="ustream" }


  sequence parse [flags]

 Available Flags:
  -h, --help=false: help for parse
  -i, --infile="": input file, required
  -o, --outfile="": output file, if empty, to stdout
  -d, --patdir="": pattern directory,, all files in directory will be used
  -p, --patfile="": initial pattern file, required

The following command parses a file based on existing rules. Note that the performance number (9570.20 msgs/sec) is mostly due to reading/writing to disk. To get a more realistic performance number, see the benchmark section below.

  $ ./sequence parse -d ../../patterns -i ../../data/sshd.all  -o parsed.sshd
  Parsed 212897 messages in 22.25 secs, ~ 9570.20 msgs/sec

This is an entry from the output file:

  Jan 15 19:39:26 jlz sshd[7778]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user jlz by (uid=0)
  #   0: { Field="%createtime%", Type="%ts%", Value="jan 15 19:39:26" }
  #   1: { Field="%apphost%", Type="%string%", Value="jlz" }
  #   2: { Field="%appname%", Type="%string%", Value="sshd" }
  #   3: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="[" }
  #   4: { Field="%sessionid%", Type="%integer%", Value="7778" }
  #   5: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="]" }
  #   6: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=":" }
  #   7: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="pam_unix" }
  #   8: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="(" }
  #   9: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="sshd" }
  #  10: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=":" }
  #  11: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%string%", Value="session" }
  #  12: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=")" }
  #  13: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=":" }
  #  14: { Field="%object%", Type="%string%", Value="session" }
  #  15: { Field="%action%", Type="%string%", Value="opened" }
  #  16: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="for" }
  #  17: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="user" }
  #  18: { Field="%dstuser%", Type="%string%", Value="jlz" }
  #  19: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="by" }
  #  20: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="(" }
  #  21: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="uid" }
  #  22: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value="=" }
  #  23: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%integer%", Value="0" }
  #  24: { Field="%funknown%", Type="%literal%", Value=")" }


  sequence bench [flags]

 Available Flags:
  -c, --cpuprofile="": CPU profile filename
  -h, --help=false: help for bench
  -i, --infile="": input file, required
  -d, --patdir="": pattern directory,, all files in directory will be used
  -p, --patfile="": pattern file, required
  -w, --workers=1: number of parsing workers

The following command will benchmark the parsing of two files. First file is a bunch of sshd logs, averaging 98 bytes per message. The second is a Cisco ASA log file, averaging 180 bytes per message.

$ ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/sshd.txt -i ../../data/sshd.all
Parsed 212897 messages in 1.69 secs, ~ 126319.27 msgs/sec

$ ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/asa.txt -i ../../data/allasa.log
Parsed 234815 messages in 2.89 secs, ~ 81323.41 msgs/sec

Performance can be improved by adding more cores:

GOMAXPROCS=2 ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/sshd.txt -i ../../data/sshd.all -w 2
Parsed 212897 messages in 1.00 secs, ~ 212711.83 msgs/sec

$ GOMAXPROCS=2 ./sequence bench -p ../../patterns/asa.txt -i ../../data/allasa.log -w 2
Parsed 234815 messages in 1.56 secs, ~ 150769.68 msgs/sec
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